Setting up Payment Systems

Access the Administrative Panel and go to Settings > Payments to configure and personalize the payment methods of your platform.


  • 1. Activate or Deactivate Payment Methods:
  • Activate: Choose and activate the available payment methods you wish to offer users.
    Deactivate: Uncheck or remove the payment methods you no longer wish to use.

  • 2. Set Default Method:
  • Mark as Default: Select the payment method that will be displayed as the default option on the payment page. Remember that the default method must have the corresponding API activated in "API Integrations".

  • 3. Personalization of Title and Description:
  • Title: Customize the name that will appear for the payment method.
    Description: Provide clear instructions or additional information about the payment method for users.

  • 4. Integrate and Direct to Integration Videos:
  • Make sure to follow the specific integration instructions of each payment method.
    Access videos or integration tutorials to facilitate the process and ensure everything is set up correctly.

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